The Let's Play Archive

The Blackwell Series

by cmndstab

Part 38: Blackwell Convergence - Update 13

Update 13

Prelude to Tragedy


Those fucking sons of bitches down at Meltzer just signed Rosa's death warrant.

Rosa is understandably rattled here.

That son of a... Mess with us, will he?
He just marked me. I'm next.

Joey tries to reassure her...

Look, don't worry. She might not come right away. We have time to plan.

The Countess Returns

Unfortuntely, Joey couldn't be more mistaken. The Countess arrives almost immediately, which is a bit of a departure. In the case of Claude it took some time, since the Countess obviously started searching for him before he drew the painting, which he used as a kind of beacon for her. I guess, unlike Claude and the others, the Countess didn't have to "search" for Rosa. She knew exactly who Rosa was already. Alternatively, Lauren hinted in Unbound that mediums can sense once another, which might also explain things.

You killed Claude. And the others.
I did not kill! I healed them!

The Countess is still very insane, which bodes very badly for Rosa.

Just back away. Real slow like.
I only want to help.
I think we've had about enough of your "help", lady.

Joey steps up to the plate.

Hopefully he'll do better than the last time

I have to help her. Just let me help her!
Oh yeah?

Joey throws a quick jab, but the Countess has powers well beyond anything Joey can muster, and he quickly finds himself locked in a losing battle with her.

Ghost Battle

She's not going to die. She's not.
Just stay back, Red. I've got this.

With Joey using all of his effort just to hold the Countess at bay, he is not able to do anything else in this scene.

Joey! Are you all right?
Just... peachy. Get outta here, will ya?

Note that the Ghost Battle music is actually just the old Lauren and the Countess music used in Blackwell Unbound again. Obviously Regin was happy enough with it to repeat it here. It is very good for what it is.

Get away from him!
Kid, she's here to KILL you! I can handle her. Just make yourself scarce!

Rosa screams at the Countess, but she has all of her focus on Joey.

It might be a good idea to take Joey's advice and get the hell out of here. Of course, Rosa can only go so far, because she has to stay within 30 feet of Joey.

Rosa batters on Nishanthi's door, but the damn lady is out again.

She's not in. Not that it matters. She wouldn't be able to protect me from a ghost anyway.

Rosa tries to hop into the elevator, but it just won't arrive.

Stupid elevator. Must be stuck a few floors down.

In a fit of desperation, Rosa eyes the garbage room as a possible hiding place.

Meanwhile, the Countess has gotten past Joey and has come outside searching for Rosa.

You think I'm telling you?

Joey decides to play a bit of double-reverse psychology.

Well, I know for sure she's not through that door behind you.

Fortunately, in her addled state, the Countess falls for Joey's trick, and heads into Nishanthi's apartment. I hope poor Moti isn't in there

With nowhere left to run, Rosa hastily retreats back to her apartment. This whole scene is pretty damn tense.

Rosa starts to have a panic attack, before stopping herself and trying to steel her resolve.

Come on, Rosa. Auntie did it thirty years ago. So can you.

Almost as though it was a premonition, the photo of Lauren and Rosa on the Brooklyn Bridge falls loose on the wall. Rosa walks over and takes it, almost imploring for help from Lauren.

Auntie's picture is loose... *sigh* I wish you were here, Auntie. I really do.

All too soon, the Countess reemerges, with Joey in tow.

That's far enough, sister.

Rosa seems to have grown sick of running, however.

Joey. Leave it.
Leave it? Like hell.

Joey takes another swipe at the Countess who turns his attention back to him.

In a final act of defiance, Rosa whips out the picture of Lauren and shoves it in the face of the Countess.

Hey! Look at this!
Who... That's...

The Countess quickly recognises the face of Lauren from all those years ago.

I wanted to help her...

The Countess still thinks that she was "helping" Lauren She really is a tragic character. Joey is in no mood for sympathy, however.

And look where it got you. You think anyone appreciates your help?

Having finally gotten next to Rosa, the Countess responds moodily.


In The Wrong Place


JESUS CHRIST Somehow, rather than merely strangling Rosa, the Countess is able to tap into the link to Nodespace that exists between Joey and Rosa, and the three of them find themselves poised on the brink of eternity.

Quickly regaining consciousness, Rosa is shocked to find herself in the last place she expected to be.

How'd we end up here?
I have brought you here. You are safe now. I have saved you.

"Saved" her? Does that mean... Rosa is dead?

Saved me? What do you mean, saved me?
What did you do?

I... I don't know. Lady, I suggest you start talking.

Joey is still talking tough, but he sounds really lost and worried here.

There is nothing to say. You are safe, now. Both of you.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rings through the ether, and our mysterious ghost lady reappears. This scene is choreographed beautifully with the music, with the muted saxophone kicking in right as she appears.

I've been looking for you for so long! Why did you leave me?

The Countess immediately recognises the ghost lady as her former spirit guide. That answers one of the many questions we have here.

My poor host.
You cast me out. You broke our bond. It's too late to repair it.
What? No! Why would I do that?

Wait... the Countess got rid of her guide, rather than the other way around?

Your mind is so broken that you do not remember? My my, you are a mess. You don't even know your own name. "Countess", indeed.

This lady seems like she can't decide whether she feels sorry for, or bitter towards, the Countess. Probably both, if she's right about the Countess breaking their bond.

Regardless, it is time for this to end.
End? Is there an end?
For you, there can be. If you let me.
I trust you, Madeline. I always will trust you.

Finally, we have a name for the mysterious ghost lady. Madeline then turns her attention to Rosa and Joey.

I'm sorry it had to be under such... unpleasant circumstances.

Rosa is struck dumb, but Joey is quick to speak his mind.

Unpleasant is right. Who are you?
My name is Madeline. And a long time ago, I was this poor soul's spirit guide. She corrupted our bond, and I'm afraid the damage to both of us was quite severe.

I wonder how she corrupted their bond?

I'm still not even sure if Rosa herself is dead or not

Who are you?
As I said, my name is Madeline. And a long time ago, I was a spirit guide to the woman you know as the Countess. We were bonded, much like you and your guide are. But much has changed, and time is short. Will you help us?

Rosa seems to vaguely recognise her Madeline from her dreams.

I know you...
I have been trying to reach you in your dreams. At long last, I am able to manifest myself here. But time is short. Will you help us?

Madeline is pretty pushy. Joey wants some answers first...

We've got some questions first.
Yes, I'm sure you do, but time is short. Will you help us?

...but they're not forthcoming. Rosa agrees to help out.

Yes, I'll help you. I don't have much choice. She's killed me.

Wait, really?

But regardless, there is no time to waste. Come with me.

Hold on, elaborate on the "quite unharmed" bit!!

But no elaboration is forthcoming. Madeline places her hand on Rosa's shoulder, and the two of them vanish off to another plane of existence, much to Joey's horror.

With nobody else to ask, Joey turns to the Countess for answers.

The pattern. They are going to fix the pattern!
Talk sense, will ya?
The source! Cut off the source and the pattern will revert!
Why do I bother?

Unfortunately, if she is making any sense, Joey can't understand it.

Great. Trapped on another plane of existence with the Countess of Crazyville.

Looks like Rosa's on her own now. Hopefully she and Madeline can figure out whatever it is they need to figure out, wherever it is they're going!


See you all tomorrow!